When and Where You Should Buy Fuel Oil

Home heating becomes the most important when it’s not available in the winter. There are many reasons a furnace stops working. However, a lack of oil should never be the reason. Routine fills, emergency delivery, reliable delivery — these are among the important factors to consider when choosing a fuel oil company. Let’s take a closer look at each aspect.

Routine Fills

Look for a company that will offer regular and uninterrupted service. Reliability is an important aspect of an ongoing relationship. This is especially true in a business relationship. Routine fills mean you don’t have to call the company every time you want a delivery. Scheduled delivery will save you time.

Energy Emergencies

Does the company offer emergency fuel oil delivery? No one expects an emergency. However, it’s always good to be prepared in the event of some unforeseen event. Consider a company that will always be there for you.

Reliable Delivery

Make sure the fuel oil company has a large fleet of delivery trucks. This will minimize the chance of a missed delivery if there are many backup trucks. If one breaks down, another can make the delivery. Oil doesn’t last forever. There might be times when an oil delivery arrives just in time. Make sure the company promises to deliver it exactly when they say they will.

Our Promise

We at IT Landes live by each of these aspects. We offer routine fills, emergency deliveries, and reliable service. We also house a large fleet of delivery trucks. In addition, we offer large volume discounts, prepayment plans, and service contracts.


If the factors above are important to you, consider giving us a call at (215) 259-5798. You may also contact us via web form. We will walk you through any questions you may have. Contact IT Landes is the first step to receiving premium quality fuel oil in Harleysville and the surrounding areas with reliable and prompt service.

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