Cost of a Carrier Ductless Mini-Split Installation Near Harleysville, PA

What is the cost of a Carrier Ductless Mini-Split Installation near Harleysville, PA?
The cost of a Carrier ductless mini-split installation near Harleysville, PA, fully installed and ready to turn, on starts at about $4,500 for a single-zone, air conditioning-only system and goes up from there depending on your design and selection of equipment.

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Single-Zone Carrier Ductless Mini-Split System

The reason I start by explaining the cost of a single-zone Carrier ductless mini-split installation is that these systems are often perfect for fixing the temperature in a single space. By single space, I mean a problem upstairs bedroom that is always too hot or a basement that is always too cold.

Maybe you have a Florida room or a sunroom that you would like to use all year. You would be amazed at how well a Carrier ductless mini-split will heat and cool a room like that to the point where you really can use it year ’round.

Attics, garages, additions, and renovations are all perfect situations for a single-zone carrier ductless mini-split installation.

Click here to check out a Carrier Ductless installation we did in a suroom for a homeowner in Barto, PA.


Multi-Zone Carrier Ductless Mini-Split System

A multi-zone ductless mini-split installation is made up of at least two indoor air handlers connected to the same outdoor unit. Carrier ductless mini-split systems can be designed to run up to nine indoor units off of the same outdoor unit! This makes these systems a tremendously flexible solution for older homes that were originally built without ductwork.

Our most popular configurations seem to be somewhere between two and three indoor units to one outdoor unit.

The cost of a system designed like this runs anywhere from $8000 to $12,000 and provides impeccable heating and cooling to all of the primary living areas of the average home.

Components of a Ductless Mini-Split System

When we talk about the cost of a Carrier ductless mini-split system near Harleysville, PA, the equipment you choose and the layout of your system have a lot to do with the final cost.

Carrier ductless mini-split systems are made up of three primary components:

The Ductless Mini-Split Indoor High-Wall Unit

The Ductless Mini-Split Outdoor Unit

The Line Sets

The indoor units come in three distinct styles; the high wall unit pictured above, the low-wall unit and the ceiling recessed unit. All are priced similarly, dependent on their size and BTU capacity.

Carrier Ductless Low Wall Unit

Carrier Ductless Ceiling Cassette Indoor Unit

Whisper-Quiet, Low-Cost Operation

All Carrier ductless indoor and outdoor units are designed for whisper-quiet operation. You can’t hear them or feel them blowing on you. The room just feels right.

And when you’re sitting outside on your patio, the outdoor units run so quietly, it’s practically impossible to tell when they are running.

But the number one bonus for every one of our ductless customers is the cost of operation. If you are replacing window air conditioners you can expect to cut your electric bill by 40 to 60%. If you use your ductless system to supplement your oil burner during the late fall and early spring, you can turn on your primary system later in the season and turn it off earlier.

Be sure to ask your comfort consultant to explain the benefits of Carrier’s Inverter Technology, and how ductless minis-lit systems make constant, minor changes to their output to give you impeccable comfort while using the least amount of energy possible.

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Other Factors that Impact the Cost of a Carrier Ductless Mini-Split Installation

Here at IT Landes we take great pride in the workmanship of our Carrier ductless mini-split installations. Details like the connectors we use on the line sets and the quality of the tools we provide to our installation technicians guarantee you (and us) that we won’t have to come back to repair leaks or diagnose nagging system performance issues once your installation is complete.

From the pads and stands we use to give your ductless outdoor unit a solid, long-term footing, to the coverings we use to hide the lines running on your exterior walls, quality is the key to excellent system performance.

But there are occasionally other costs that can have an impact on the overall price tag of your system.

Electrical – depending on your existing electrical service, we may need to expand your service to accommodate the system we design for your needs. This can run anywhere from $800 to $1200, or you may not need it at all.

Pad or Stand? – Depending on your groundwater situation we may want to elevate your outdoor unit to prevent damage from standing water. If you have good drainage around your home a pad may work just fine too. Either way, we offer solutions that will serve you for the long haul. your options range from $50 to $300.

Thermostats and Controls – Carrier technology covers the full gamut, from hand-held remote controls, smart, wall-mounted thermostats to mobile apps, you have a wide variety of options, all with various cost considerations. While each ductless indoor unit comes with its own hand-held remote control, smart, whole-home thermostats can run anywhere from $200 to $300.

The Cost of a Carrier Ductless Mini-Split Installation Near Harleysville, PA

As you can see, there are a number of factors that will determine the final cost of your ductless mini-split system, but at least now you have an idea of the cost based on your needs.

Best to let one of our certified comfort consultants get their eyes on your specific situation to design a system that will satisfy your exact needs. Please give us a call at 215-256-4221 or click the link below to request a consultation appointment.

We look forward to making your home more comfortable than it’s ever been!

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