How Often Should My Furnace be Replaced?

You know when you need to replace most items in your house. For example, your cooling system filters need replacement every month. Your smoke detectors are replaced every 8-10 years. What about your furnace? After a while, it is vital to replace your furnace with a more energy efficient one.

High Energy Bills

Though your furnace may have a few years left, it is not always cost efficient to keep it. It could be accruing too much energy bills from its inefficiency. As such, assessing the cost of keeping the current furnace in comparison to replacing with a new one. By using a simple chart like one on, you can decrypt the usage. Consolidate your previous bills and do the math. You will be motivated to replace your furnace by getting a crystal clear picture of how much you stand to save.

Your Furnace has Attained its “Retirement Age”

Furnaces serve an average of 15-20 years. This depends on whether it was maintained professionally or not. The cost of keeping the old one should guide you on how quick you need to replace it.

Increased Cost of Repair and Frequency of Service

Like an old machine, an old furnace may start having costly breakdowns. This signals a near end to its usable life. The question remains: How costly should the repair be before I contemplate on replacing it? The unwritten rule is if repair costs are 50% and above of a new furnace, you should replace it. Sometimes the repair cost maybe 10% of a new furnace but the frequency of the repairs is too high. This calls for a replacement as well.

Who Can Replace My Furnace?

As seen there are factors to be weighed together before replacing your furnace. To help is making the right choice, it is encouraged to contact a trusted heating company to assess and advise accordingly.

Heating in Harleysville, PA

At IT Landes, based in Pennsylvania, we understand your needs. We install the most technologically advanced and high-efficiency furnaces. Our services are tailor-made to give efficiency and comfort. Contact us today for more information and a free quote!

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