Kill Harmful Germs & Bacteria with a UV Light

panoramic shot of woman sitting near daughter sneezing in tissue near teddy bear

How UV Lights will protect your family from airborne diseases

Do you have a family member who is prone to allergies? Are you looking to protect your family from germs and bacteria? IT Landes Home Service Team offers Ultraviolet (UV) lights that will kill 100% of harmful pollutions.

UV lights for HVAC systems are used to kill germs, viruses, mold spores, bacteria, and fungi as they pass through the air handler system. The main benefit of these lights is that they have undergone effectiveness and safety tests from recognized bodies such as the FDA.

The lamps do not replace your HEPA filtration system, but rather, they kill microorganisms that the HEPA filter may not be able to trap. UV lamps inactivate bacteria, viruses, and mold spores.

As the weather gets colder and your inability to fight colds decreases, rely on IT Landes Home Service Team to install a UV light to help fight off diseases that may infect your home.

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